Millions of Americans lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but one key demographic may remain home even after the quarantine ends: women. Since the start of the pandemic, women have been leaving at a rate 4 times greater than their male counterparts. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 617,000 women left the workforce in September 2020, compared to 78,000 men. This great disparity isn’t just a consequence of gender inequality in the workplace. It’s a result of the forced division of labor between men and women in nuclear families, pressuring women with children and other family obligations to prioritize the needs of others over their own professional fulfillment.Continue Reading

Nowadays, it seems like you can buy anything online. A single click of a button could result in an excellent purchase, or may well be money flushed down the drain. This read offers a fresh perspective towards online shopping, including the integration of blockchain to create transparency.Continue Reading

Have things been quieter lately? Noise pollution has been affecting our daily lives, but as businesses shut down due to COVID-19 it has largely subsided. Learn about the benefits of a quieter environment, and why corporations should be more accountable as this article attempts to measure the costs and benefits of this often-overlooked type of pollution.
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